Season 2, Episode 10: There is No One Vietnam
In this episode, edna bonhomme speaks with Dr. Thuc Linh Nguyen Vu about migration, cultural history, Vietnamese Polish relations, Black feminism, and African/Asian diasporas.
Season 2, Episode 9: Black Voices for Black Lives
In this episode edna bonhomme speaks to four Black diasporic women and ask them about the current wave of Black Lives Matter protests and how they are shedding light on the racial strife happening in the United States and globally.

Season 2, Episode 8: I don’t center domination
In this episode, edna bonhomme interviews Hiba Ali and they discuss COVID-19, multimedia performance art, surveillance, global shipping, Amazon, and modes of healing.

Season 2, Episode 7: How do we decolonize everything?
In this episode, edna bonhomme interviews Mihir about the Black Lives Matter movement, climate justice, the history of resistance in the Global South, the German left, and the power of internationalism.

Season 2, Episode 6: If we are not careful, memories die…or are stolen
In this episode, edna bonhomme and Skye Tinevimbo Chirape discuss Decolonising Forensic Psychology, migration, and decolonial research practices especially as it relates to the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

Season 2, Episode 3: What it means to be Black in the Union Jack
In this episode of the Decolonization in Action Podcast, edna bonhomme and Dr. Christienna Fryar discuss the history of Britain and the Caribbean and what it means to be teaching 500 years of Black British history.

Season 2 Episode 1: The Afterlives of Revolution
Season 2 of this podcast begins with a conversation between edna bonhomme and Dr. Sara Salem, where they discuss the emergence of British imperialism in Egypt and how it led to the Egyptian revolution in 1952.

Season 1 Episode 9: Beyond Survival: The (Post)colonial Comedian
Kate Cheka and edna bonhomme discuss the anti-colonial dimensions of laughter.

Season 1, Episode 1, Part 1: Decolonizing Berlin
In part 1 of the inaugural episode, we invited Dr. Noa Ha and Prof. Dr. Tahani Nadim to discuss the relationship between German colonial history and Berlin—the metropole of that colonial past. We focus on Berlin’s street names and the Natural History Museum as spaces of remembrance and resistance. In this episode we ask ourselves, in what ways does colonialism continue to shape Berlin institutions and the city of Berlin itself?