Season 1, Episode 4: Colonial Medicalization and Homosexuality in the Philippines


Season 1, Episode 4: Colonial Medicalization and Homosexuality in the Philippines

In this episode, Kristyna Comer is in conversation with Kiel Ramos Suarez, a PhD candidate in history at Linnaeus University. Kiel discusses her current research on the medicalization of homosexuality and the ongoing impact of Spanish and US colonial rule.

Transcriptions for all episodes are available upon request.


Kiel Ramos  Suarez

Kiel Ramos Suarez


Kiel Ramos Suarez is an aspiring researcher specializing in history, gender, and sexuality studies in Southeast Asia. She holds a BA in History from the University of the Philippines-Diliman, and an MA in Women's and Gender History from the Central European University (CEU), Hungary and the University of Vienna, Austria. Kiel is currently a PhD student in History at Linnaeus University, Sweden in the Department of Cultural Sciences and the Center for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies.

Doctoral Student Project: The Making of the Filipino “Homosexual”

UP CIFAL Philippines, Institute for Training and Research

show credits


Interview and post-production

Kristyna Comer

Cover image

Image from Kiel’s Doctoral Student Project: The Making of the Filipino “Homosexual”


ispeakwaves (384935, Attribution License, Creative Commons), pryght one (27130, Sampling+ License), scotcampbell (263709, Creative Commons 0 License), X3nus (450539, Attribution License, Creative Commons)

Thank you


A special thanks to Kiel Ramos Suarez.


Season 1, Episode 5: Economics, Expertise, and Revolution in Postcolonial Sudan


Season 1, Episode 3: Leftism in Action: A History of Leftist People of Color